Growing Marijuana: Arkansas. A whole post’s required for a proper answer; generally, extraction methods are different depending on the zone in the country – north, dry sieving (marijuana’s properly dried during the cold winter months); south, traditional manual rubbing ( this way, chara’s produced ), rubbing and shredding the buds manually till they get totally impregnated by resin, and, then, the foil which covers your hands is heated by a match or fireplace till it gets soft and, gradually, a ball’s shaped (those balls are the charas, one of the most qualified hash in the planet). 2008 6th Avenue, 98403-1045 Tacoma WA. Consider using the Sea of Green (SOG) method to reduce flowering time. It may also be a good idea to top the plants early to keep the height of the plants in check. Once you have harvested your Mob Boss plants, hang the buds upside down for seven days until they dry in a room with a relative humidity level of 50% and a temperature of 70 degrees. Once the buds are sufficiently dry, place them inside wide-mouth glass mason jars. He can kick ass at the speed of light, shoot lasers and pass through attacks by becoming light itself. This fruit's user is the fastest in the entire series even faster than the Goro Goro No Mi as there is a difference between speed of light and lightning. Not talking about your weed is one thing, but keeping your weed out of sight and smell so it won’t attract unwanted attention may warrant a little extra work. Here are some things you can do to keep your plants safe from discovery and theft. |